Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday Freebies 6/22

Free $5 coupon for Glucerna cereal - use code word JOURNAL
Glucerna Cereal

Free Tide Sample

Free Nike Football Sack (for limited areas)
Free Nike Football Sack

Free Caress Samples

Engaged? Here's a free gift for a Bride to Be!
Free Gift for Brides To Be

Free Dove Shampoo and Conditioner Sample
Dove Shampoo and Conditioner

Free Juicy Juice coupons when you take a quick survey
Juicy Juice

Get a coupon for a free Ensure shake and other coupons

Are you a chocolate addict? Join The Godiva Chocolatier community and receive Godiva gift cards for your participation!
From the webpage:

"Welcome! Godiva Chocolatier is recruiting new members to join its private online community of people who are interested in being consumer consultants to Godiva. As a consumer consultant, you will be asked to share your perspectives on a variety of topics with Godiva and other community members.
As a member, you will periodically receive rewards in the form of Godiva gift cards in exchange for your participation."


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