Friday, July 27, 2007

Got $156 worth of groceries for $22!

Harris Teeter is having their famous "Triple Coupons" right now. They will triple any coupon up to .99. Which means if you have a $.75 coupon they will take $2.25 off.

Here's what I got the first day.

8 boxes Chex
10 boxes Cheerios
10 boxes Lipton tea
12 Knorr sides
9 Laughing Cow cheeses
2 Daisy sour cream
2 BC cookie mixes
1 Fresh Gourmet croutons
1 Hefty Easy Grip Cups
2 Boxes Orville Popcorn

Did 3 trips
Shelf Price $156.01
Spent $22.08


Amy Bass said...

Wow that is a lot of food! I wish our commissary had those types of deals.

Mom of 3 said...

I used to get some good deals at the commissary, but never like this.
Do you have any grocery stores off base that double coupons?
I used to do my main shopping on base at the commissary when dh was active duty; but whenever there was a really good sale off base where I could get stuff free with coupons I'd stock up!

Anonymous said...

You are the coupon QUEEN! Way to go!!!

Mom of 3 said...

ha ha! Not quite, nothing like you and Jennifer :)