Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Associated Content Review

Associated Content, known as the People's Media Company, is a place that pays you to submit articles on just about anything you could possibly write about.

How much do they pay?
Articles pay about $3-$10 per article. Content producers (those who submit article to Associated Content) can also receive bonus compensation based upon the number of readers they have reading their articles.

The number of articles you submit for pay is not limited-so whether you want to submit 1 article, or 100 articles, it's up to you. Some people only write occasionally, some have a goal of earning a certain amount of money a day so they submit more often.

Join Associated Content

How do I get paid?
Once you submit an article, if it's approved you will be emailed with an offer. You can either accept or reject their offer. If you accept the article will be published and you are paid. On average it's taken 3-4 days for me to receive an offer after I've submitted.

Payment is done via paypal.

Who can write for Associated Content ?
You must live in the United States in order to submit content.

What can I write about?

Just about anything you want! You can submit news items, how-to's and instructional guides, reviews, editorials, local activities and events, consumer tips, product reviews and more!

At least once a week there is a special Call for Content. Check your Associated Content message box under "My Account". They ask for submissions on a particular theme and if your article meets the requirements the pay is $8.00. These are great things to try when you have writer's block and need ideas on what to write on.

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